The Beauty Column: Summer Skincare

When the sun makes an appearance, the last thing on most of our minds is SPF. But those three little letters hold a huge amount of significance because SPF should be your best friend throughout the summer. Applying sun cream can seem like a laborious task when all you want to do is whack on your sunnies and head out into the heat, but it’s essential that you take the time to protect yourself.

Although you can apply after sun to take away the pain, and although the redness might subside in a few days and turn into a lovely golden brown, once the damage is done, it’s practically irreversible. This doesn’t mean you have to slap on the factor 50, but do make sure you’re sensible and protect your skin. Sun cream doesn’t stop you from tanning, it just might take a little bit longer.


1) Apply sun cream in the UK – a lot of people assume that just because they aren’t abroad, they don’t need to apply sun cream. Well guys and gals, that’s not how it works. You can still be exposed to harmful rays even if the sun doesn’t feel as if it’s burning your skin, so be careful not to get caught out.

applying suncream

2) SPF underneath your makeup – just because you’ve got layers on your skin, it doesn’t mean the rays can’t penetrate through. It’s important to apply a moisturiser and foundation with an SPF content to make sure the delicate skin on your face is protected too.

spf 30

3) Keep topping up – Putting on a thin layer at 9am when you’re going to be out in the sun all day just doesn’t cut it. Make sure you keep topping up as sun cream won’t last all day. This is especially important if you’re in and out of water or out for a long period of time.

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4) Store well – Sun cream has a shelf life of two to three years if stored in a cool or shaded place at all times, but make sure you check the expiry date before applying it. If in doubt, it’s safer to buy a new bottle to avoid using old sun cream which may not be as effective.

5) Factor 15 minimum – Don’t just throw the first factor 10 you see in your shopping basket, stick to an absolute minimum of factor 15. If you know you burn easily then make sure you steer towards a higher factor for optimum protection.

Stick to these summer skincare tips to make sure you stay safe while enjoying the sun. There’s nothing worse than trying to sport the beetroot look, especially when you jump in the shower and suffer from the severe sunburn sting afterwards.

You can find more from Nicole on her blog